The World Is Made Up of Camps and Tribes, That Are Keeping Us Divided!

We are all tormented, stressed, fearful, judging, being judged and on the offensive, believing everyone who doesn’t believe like us is guilty and/or evil and a danger to humanity! It’s a divided world of “us vs. them!”

What most of us don’t realize, is that the cause of our state of mind, is due to the camps/tribes of thoughts and beliefs we have joined up with. In fact, the very foundation of this world is rooted in different camps, and within these camps are tribes. We virtually have camps/tribes for every subject on earth. These camps/tribes play a crucial role on our journey to awakening to what we really are. They also exist to give us something to believe in, a way to connect with others, and an identity to embrace, which is rooted in the camp/tribe’s thoughts and beliefs.

For example, for 33 years I was a part of the religious camp and 3 different tribes within the camp, they were; Baptist, Calvinist and Charismatic. The Baptists taught me about, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and Prayer. The Calvinist taught me to study and to be able to give an answer for what I believed. The Charismatics, taught me that I’m a child of God and I have some power. These all prepared me to continue on my journey of discovering my oneness with Christ, that enabled me to leave the Religious camp and enter the Spiritual camp and join A Course In Miracles Tribe for awhile.

Why Do We Join These Camps/Tribes?

We all join camps/tribes for a sense of belonging! The human desire is to feel loved, wanted and needed. These camps/tribes offer us a community, a place to use our gifts and talents, and in return we often feel special and have a sense of belonging. As we embrace their thoughts, beliefs and/or mission, we create an identity we can embrace, which gives us a sense of purpose. But most importantly, we believe they will help us find happiness and lasting peace.

Here are a few camps and tribes that many of us subscribe to. Some of us, bounce around from camp to camp, tribe to tribe and others of us stay put and spend our whole life dedicated and loyal to a belief system.

Religious Camps

(Beliefs in Duality)

Some of The Tribes

Christianity – Middle Eastern – Mormonism – Jehovah Witness – Church of Scientology

Spirituality Camps

(Experience in Non-Duality)

Some of The Tribes

New Age – Reiki – Astrology – Yoga – A Course In Miracles – Middle Eastern

Political Camp

Some of The Tribes

Republican – Democrats – Libertarian – Independents – Green

Wellness Camps

Some of The Tribes

Naturopathic – Allopathic – Ayurveda – Functional – Osteopathic

The Camp/Tribes Are Not Really The Problem

Humanities suffering is a result of running from camp/tribe to another camp/tribe instead of running to God, and healing our hearts and minds from the trauma we’ve endured. These thoughts and beliefs created by our trauma, is covering up, the very thing we seek and what we are, as light and love.

When we believe that we are the only camp/tribe that has all the truth, the only camp/tribe that is right, we begin to pressure others to think like us, thus becoming unloving in the eyes of the world. We are no longer a safe place for people to be vulnerable, transparent, heal and grow. Instead, we’ll subtly begin to judge those who are not apart of our community, seeing them as dangerous and/or evil. It can even come to the point that we don’t even no how to interact anymore with those outside our camp. We will see them all as against us, and seeking to destroy us.

Getting Along With Other Camps/Tribes

Simply being aware that these camps/tribes exist that we and others are apart of them, is the first step in releasing the egotistical judgments.

Letting go of the belief that we hold all the truth and that everyone needs to believe like us is the second step.

The third step is to seek to understand the camp/tribe family, friends, and co-workers are in, understand what they believe and why. This will create love, compassion, empathy and allow us to be the love that we are.

For example: I’ve joined the Wellness Camp and the Naturopathic Tribe. So in regards to the Corona Virus Vaccine, I would not choose to accept it, because of my own research on the ingredients, but also due to the Naturopathic doctors, teachers and scientists I listen to in that camp. They teach that the vaccines are not safe or effective and I believe them.

However many of my family and friends are in the Allopathic Tribe, they listen to doctors, teachers and scientists that believe the Corona Virus Vaccine is very safe and effective and getting it is a very loving, responsible thing to do. Just like myself, they also believe the people and narrative they have chosen to listen to.

Before realizing that we are all in camps/tribes, I would be frustrated, angry and fearful toward the Allopathic Tribe and tried to convince them to join my tribe, which as you can guess, never went well, and in fact I was perceived as very unloving, irresponsible and offensive.

I’ve found my peace in listening to people, knowing what camp/tribe they are in and accepting that. Trying to change their mind only provokes disunity and suffering on my part. Any time we think something or someone should be different than they are, we will suffer.

Steps To Being Set Free From The Camp/Tribe Mindset That Keeps Us Divided

  1. Recognize your ego, withdraw allegiance from it, begin to no longer look to it for protection and love.

My journey started in 2017 when I began to humble myself, have an open mind, admit “my way is not always the right way,” “I could be wrong,” Stopped judging, Started Forgiving, I had a willingness to see things differently, I worked on healing my trauma, tearing down walls and visiting other camps and tribes without fear of being hurt.

2. Be very intentional to no longer put your faith and trust in the camp/tribe to heal and save you, but instead wake up early every day to have conversations with God and do “Heart Surgery,” creating a deep, trusting relationship.

This looks like:

Buying a journal, ask yourself if there is anything you are not at peace about and write it out.

Ask yourself how it’s affecting you and how you’re trying to heal and cope.

Ask Holy Spirit the truth about the situation and how to move forward. Then make yourself do it.

3. Seek to know and understand your oneness with Christ and everyone. Along with knowing how your ego works to sabotage your efforts of obtaining freedom and to keep you stuck in fear and judgment.

The Enneagram book by Richard Rohr is incredibly helpful with understanding your personality type, how your ego works and why you do what you do. Along with understanding your friend’s and family’s personality type, so you can better understand them and love them the way they will feel loved.

So How Does Humanity Unify With This New Understanding of Camps/Tribes?

Be bold and courageous, willing to listen to others from different camps/tribes other than your own. When we stay in our camps/tribes, listening to the same narrative over and over, it just confirms our own beliefs. Once we venture out and seek to have conversations with others that are different from us with an intention to understand and learn. We bridge that gap, and do away with fear.

Love people where they are at. Instead of judging, hating, condemning, fearing them for their beliefs, know we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. The camp/tribe they are apart of, is crucial for their journey of awakening to what they are. I often say when I’m tempted to judge, “Who am I to judge them and their journey?”

When people leave our camps/tribes, let’s stop judging them, gossiping about them, believing they are ignorant, deceived and/or dangerous. Those are egotistical thoughts that block the love and light that we are. If you had a relationship with them, reach out to them, tell them you miss them, ask them how their doing. I have counseled a tremendous amount of people that have told me, they left a camp or tribe and never heard from their friends in that camp/tribe ever again. It causes them to feel thrown away, unloved and believing those relationships were fake, ultimately it feeds the great divide.

In a nutshell, it’s all about; giving up the ego, being willing to give up the identities we cling to from these camps/tribes and instead follow Holy Spirit’s guidance and rest in Christ.

Rhonda Ferguson

Identity Theft Restorer! Teaching People Who They Are and Their Purpose In Life, In Order To Free and Empower Them!

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