How Do I Know If I’m 3rd, 4th or 5th Dimensional Being?

As human consciousness expands we are shifting away from the mindset of being a Christian or Atheist, Jew or Greek, Democrat or Republican etc. The question now is; what level of consciousness are we? When we first start out on the spiritual path, we often hear about the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions, but we … More How Do I Know If I’m 3rd, 4th or 5th Dimensional Being?

Enlightenment Is Like Living In The Twilight Zone

While out on my walk this morning, I was thinking about the process of awakening from the 3rd dimension of; being unaware of the Egotistical Programmed Mind (E.P.M.) controlling our life! Then going through the 4th dimension of; the Dark Night of The Soul where inner healing takes place. Finally living as an Enlightened Being … More Enlightenment Is Like Living In The Twilight Zone

Challenge Your Ego

One of the greatest lies that we’ve been taught is that our True Self can be fearful and angry! Our True Self is made in the image of perfect love. In fact peace, joy, gentleness, goodness, kindness, generosity, patience, compassion and empathy, is what we are. Our Egotistical Programmed Mind is: stressed, anxious, fearful, frustrated, … More Challenge Your Ego

How To Move Out Of: “I Should” to “I Will” to “I Am!”

I have been helping people heal their Mind-Body-Spirit for about 8 years! The one thing I’ve never been able to do, is to figure out how to motivate some of them to move out of the: “I Should” zone (3rd Dimension), to the “I Will” zone (4th Dimension) to the “I Am” zone (5th Dimension). … More How To Move Out Of: “I Should” to “I Will” to “I Am!”