Sin Nature or Divine Nature?

When I first left the Christian church 6 years ago, I had been on an awakening journey for several years and knew I was starting to believe differently than my Christian programming. But I couldn’t really put my finger on what exactly was different about myself and my beliefs. Now I know that it comes … More Sin Nature or Divine Nature?

It’s Time To Shift Our Paradigms For Future Generations

As the world shifts into a 4th Dimensional Consciousness, we are starting to realize that the old paradigms must be done away with. 4th Dimension is rooted in the understanding that we are Divine Beings, made in the image of Perfect Love. Which also means we are incredibly powerful and one with God and everyone, … More It’s Time To Shift Our Paradigms For Future Generations

Our Perspective of God, Jesus and The Bible, Depend on Our Level of Consciousness

I’ve come to realize that our relationship with Jesus and our perspective of the Bible, actually changes as we heal, grow, transform and transition from 3rd Dimensional Consciousness to 5th Dimensional Consciousness. This understanding also frees us from needing to debate scripture or defend our beliefs, because we have a knowing of truth that everyone’s … More Our Perspective of God, Jesus and The Bible, Depend on Our Level of Consciousness