Sin Nature or Divine Nature?

When I first left the Christian church 6 years ago, I had been on an awakening journey for several years and knew I was starting to believe differently than my Christian programming. But I couldn’t really put my finger on what exactly was different about myself and my beliefs.

Now I know that it comes down to identity!

Do we believe we have a sin nature or do we believe we have a Divine nature?

The answer to that question either puts us on a path of religion or spirituality.

I wrote a blog several years ago entitled: I followed Christ Out of Christianity! At the time all I knew was that Holy Spirit showed me how I was using my ministries to feed my ego specialness, it disgusted me and I left the church.

As I’ve gone through the dark night of the soul, did the inner healing, and deconstruction – reconstruction of my beliefs, my True Self as a Divine Being of light and love has emerged.

Knowing Oneness Is Freedom and Peace

Now I no longer follow my egotistical programmed mind, I follow my Inner Guidance which is one with the Divine.

I now know I’m not this human character called Rhonda Lynn Ferguson! I am Gypsy Spirit one with what I call the Divine Committee.

As long as I continually know and remember my true identity in Christ Consciousness, life is: fun, easy and enjoyable, as I can be fully love and serve my fellow Beings.

When I have a lapse in consciousness and think I’m Rhonda, who is also a: wife, mother, daughter, Mimi friend, Spiritual Guide and business owner, life tends to get hard, and I shift into the ego mind set of; “I feel alone and I have to do everything on my own!”

This mindset of separation from the Divine, is a hellish state of mind, and is the root of pain and suffering.

Remove Blockages To True Identity

About a decade ago, the Divine told me that I’m an Identity Theft Restorer, at the time I really had no idea what that meant.

Now I know it means, to help my fellow Beings, remove the egotistical blockages of fear, anger and judgment, so that they too can know what they are, and live a very empowered and peaceful life.

If you’d like to remove your blockages:

  1. Make a list of everything that bothers you.
  2. Pick one to work on, and write out the situation.
  3. Reflect upon how this is affecting you.
  4. Tap into your Inner Guidance, and ask the truth about the situation and the other person.
  5. With this truth: forgive, let go of bitterness, and release all negativity.

Triple A’s

Another way to begin to experience freedom from your egotistical programmed mind, and over come offense, is what I call the Triple A’s:

  1. Acknowledge that person’s past experiences that have created their beliefs, perspectives, opinions and actions.
  2. Accept that what they are believing is their truth, and it doesn’t need to be yours.
  3. Allow them to believe what they want, without needing them to change or think like you. Ultimately Let It Go! Let It Be! and Move On In Love!

This Spiritual Journey/ Awakening will ultimately reveal your true identity to you, and you’ll know that you are made in the image of God (the Divine) you are the essence of love and light.

You’ll experience what it means to vibrate at a very high frequency and you will transform darkness into light.

This is what the Bible means when it says in Romans 8:19 ” For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.”

Once you recognize and experience your true identity, there will be no way anyone will ever again convince you that you have a sin nature.

You too will be a follower of Jesus who told us, that we are the light of the world, we are gods, and we will do greater things than he did.

You will know first hand what Christ Consciousness is, and you experience Oneness with everything and everyone.

Gypsy Spirit

Guiding fellow Beings out of the darkness of the egotistical mind, and into the light of being a Divine Being with a Divine nature.

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