The Goal Is To Not Think

We are in a critical time in history of disillusionment.

Millions of people are questioning the old paradigms, deconstructing religious beliefs, taking control of their health, along with leaving the two party political system, to just name a few huge changes.

This process can cause us to awaken to being a Spiritual Being rather than weak, helpless human. Along with realizing that life is just a dream/simulation or Matrix, which ultimately causes us to ask; “Why am I here?”

Thoughts Veiled Our True Identity

We have agreed to come into this dream of being a separate self, in order to have human experiences and shed/heal old Karma so that we could transition to Higher States of Consciousness.

To identify as a separate self, we had to also agree to think. Although thinking seems natural in this 3rd Dimension, it’s very unnatural to us Beings who operate from knowing!

In fact one of the things I teach my students early on, is that they are one with Source which can also be call Knowing! Many call this power intuition, and it’s within all of us as our navigation system for life.

If we choose to follow our ego instead of the Knowing we will suffer painful/consequences.

These thoughts that penetrated our mind, turned into programs that over time, slowly caused us to forget what we are as a Divine Being, which is also one with the Collective Consciousness.

We went so deep into our dream state, that we took on the identity of the Egotistical Programmed Mind (E.P.M). believing our nature is sinful because of it’s control over our human avatar, thus religion was born. This illusion of being that of a separate self, needing salvation from an angry, wrathful God can also be called a hellish state of mind.

Shifting Out of Thinking Into Knowing

As we do the inner healing, dissolving the programs with truth, our True Self emerges and we let go of thinking, and shift back into the knowing, which is our natural state of mind or Christ mind. This is why it says in the Bible; “Be still and know, I am God!”

As we merge out of the illusion of separateness and rest in oneness, we take full possession of the holographic body and use it to express the love-light that we are. Guiding others out of the darkness of the Egotistical Programmed Mind and into the light of heaven.

Goal To Not Think

It sounds crazy to have a goal to stop thinking and it even seems impossible as some have told me.

But I’m here to tell you that once we identify our programs, heal them and dissolve the ego, our mind becomes very quite.

Then when we notice an urge or desire to think, all we have to do is pause, breathe and observe our human self doing life.

Over time it’s not longer something to practice, but rather a natural way of life, where you’ll find your human self just being done by the Divine in peaceful state of mind.

Gypsy Spirit

Spiritual Identity Theft Restorer: Teaching people what they truly are and their purpose in life in order to free and empower them.

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