What They Don’t Want You To Know

Most of us are completely unaware that the first half of our life is the process of becoming a somebody who amasses a large amount of sub-conscious programs, that have been created by our past experiences.

What we didn’t know is that most of those programs have been passed down from our parents and caregivers, that created our beliefs and perspectives about the world, that we have sub-consciously believed to be true.

These programs are rooted in fear, anger and judgment! Along with the belief in duality and being a separate vulnerable self.

As these programs go undetected, they ultimately control our life, creating damaging thoughts and habits which result in a tremendous amount of pain and suffering.

It isn’t until we are tired of stressing, and striving to be a special somebody in hopes of feeling: loved, wanted and needed, that we set out on a journey to find a better way, that will hopefully lead us to freedom, peace and joy!

The Internal Journey

What we quickly discover is that the journey is to go within: look at the programs, investigate where they came from, and the truth about them, in order to dissolve them!

We start realizing that it’s time to do more healing when a program is triggered. It’s a feeling of being thrown out of peace and often results in frustration.

The key is, to know that your true self as a Spiritual Being is not being triggered, it’s just a programming being triggered.

Many of my students have told me that knowing it’s a programming and not them that is being triggered, is extremely helpful because they can see it as separate from themselves, and they can do something about it, rather than identify with it.

Two Types of Beings

I’ve come to realize that their are two types of Beings; those that are doing the work to dissolve their programs and those that are completely unaware of the programs, and instead are doing all they can to not feel those feelings and instead, they are trying to numb out.

The Establishment/Deep State wants nothing more than for us to believe we are just weak helpless humans, that are victims of society and our human genes.

If they can keep us in a state of unawareness, then they can continue to control us by adding to our programs through television and social media.

Great Awakening

There are a tremendous amount of Beings that are awakening to these programs and willing to do something about them.

As they dissolve the programs that are veiling their true identity as a Divine Being, the recognition of being light, love, power and peace emerges! Then we can begin to create a New World of unity rather than division.

The key however to continually live in freedom and peace, is to completely let go of your identity as a holographic human being, and to no longer attach to the fruit of what your human avatar is producing.

It’s important to focus on knowing that our true self is one with The Divine, and we are working in a concerted effort to make in on earth as it is in heaven.

Don’t Leave Earth School With Your Programs

We have an incredible opportunity here in Earth school, to heal and shed our programs, awaken to what we truly are, and create a New Earth.

I know for most people the thought of even looking at the trauma that they have repressed and coped with for decades can seem overwhelming and impossible to heal.

But I’m here to tell you I’ve walked that healing path, first alone and now with many others, and it’s the only way to find the life of peace that you long for.

I implore you to decide today that you will no longer let your Egotistical Programmed Mind convince you that it’s just too hard to do!

The world needs us to heal, so we can shine our light and love.

Gypsy Spirit

Spiritual Identity Theft Restorer: Teaching people what they truly are and their purpose in life to free and empower them.



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