The Ultimate Surrender Is The Ultimate Freedom

When I reconciled with my husband 23 years ago because the Divine (God-Jesus-Holy Spirit) told me to, I was essentially surrendering my ego’s will for their will.

When I chose to unconditionally love, accept and affirm my gay son 6 years ago, because the Divine told me to, I knew I was surrendering my judgmental and religious beliefs.

When the Divine showed me how my ego was using religion to feel special 7 years ago, I knew letting go of my ministries and leaving the church meant surrendering my community.

Every time I surrender something to the Divine, at first it feels really hard, but eventually I end up seeing it was for my benefit and spiritual growth.

After a tremendous amount of surrendering, I’ve come to realize that to win at the game of life, is to ultimately surrender our identity as a human being.

I know to some that sounds insane.

But having worked with many people who are tormented in their Egotistical Programmed Mind, I’ve come to realize that what they all have in common is, that they don’t know their true identity as a very powerful Spiritual Being.

Their true self has been veiled by the ego’s fear, anger and judgment. Once they start to heal the programs running in their mind, their true self begins to emerge.

The Great Awakening

Something incredible is happening right now, and that is the Great Awakening!

Because a tremendous amount of people are doing the inner healing of the ego, they are awakening to the fact that they are not weak, helpless, sinful humans, but rather knowing the truth that they are Spiritual Beings dreaming of having human experiences.

This is why it says in the Bible that, “God has raised us up with Jesus and seated us with him in the heavenly places.”

We are really not here, we are there, dreaming of being here.

Once our true identity is realized, miracles become a natural way of life. Because we know we can create our human avatar’s reality with our minds!

We realize nothing is a coincidence, accident or mistake, we are creating the experience our avatar is having by our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

This is when we know without a doubt, that we are very powerful Beings, made in the image of the Divine.

As Jesus says in A Course in Miracles; “I am not a body, I am free, I am as God created me!”

Now we are ready to fully give our avatar (body/mind) to the Divine and let them flow through it powerfully.

Think of life like a video game, in which a programming is running our avatar. Once we awaken to what is happening, we say; “enough is enough, we are going to let the Divine have full control of our avatar.”

This is the ultimate surrender and the ultimate freedom.

Imagine a life where you just let the Divine direct everything your human avatar says and does. You don’t have to plan anything, you just simply do whatever you are directed to do through a feeling of knowing.

Then you start discovering that the result of this surrendering, is actually producing incredible results. But the key is to not get attached to the results, or you will shift back into being a human avatar, that stresses and strives, which is actually self sabotaging.

I know surrendering our human avatar to the Divine is extremely hard because we feel like we are giving up our power and life won’t be enjoyable, but it’s quite the opposite.

Life begins at surrender, because we are life, and we are no longer hindered by the ego.

Gypsy Spirit

Teaching people what they truly are and their purpose in life in order to free and empower them.

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