How Do I Know If I’m 3rd, 4th or 5th Dimensional Being?

As human consciousness expands we are shifting away from the mindset of being a Christian or Atheist, Jew or Greek, Democrat or Republican etc.

The question now is; what level of consciousness are we?

When we first start out on the spiritual path, we often hear about the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions, but we really have no idea what that means.

Here’s a quick explanation:

3rd Dimensional Being

If we: think we are just a human that is struggling with: shame, guilt, regrets, stress, fear and anger, blaming others and constantly seeking ways to cope and repress these feelings, along with being religious and/or political! Being 100% convinced that our religion or political party is the right one, which causes us to be in a constant state of judgment of others, then we are unknowingly a hostage to our egotistical programmed mind and a 3rd Dimensional Being!

4th Dimensional Being

If we are: questioning what we believe and our programming, along with being more aware of our thoughts, and replacing negative ones with the truth! No longer giving into every ego desire and addiction, while starting to realize we are actually Spiritual Beings having human experiences! We are not really identifying with any political party or religion, but instead we are more focused, and passionate about humanity coming together and finding the the best ways to help others, we are a 4th Dimensional Being.

5th Dimensional Being

If we: know life is just a dream, and that we are powerful Divine Beings that are creating our human avatar’s experiences! While also realizing, accepting, and having compassion and empathy, for our spiritual siblings who are asleep in the 3rd Dimension! Causing us to live a life of being lovingly helpful and engaging as a Beings of light, love, and peace. Constantly demonstrating the way out of 3D hell with our miraculous lives! Especially knowing that everything is energy and we are all one in this the cosmic flow of Divine energy, or we could say we are all one in Christ consciousness, then are a 5th Dimensional Beings.

The Time Has Come

It’s time for us to start questioning the things humanity has taken for granted and have simply believed!

It’s time for us to start taking responsibility for our pain, suffering and trauma and make inner healing a daily practice.

It’s time for us to come together in unity of consciousness, and create a new world of love, light, peace and power.

The most important thing we can do in this life time, is to awaken to what we truly are as Divine Beings and guide others who are ready and willing to do the same!

Gypsy Spirit

Guiding people out of the darkness of the egotistical programmed mind and into the light of what they truly are as a Divine Being.

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