It’s Time To Shift Our Paradigms For Future Generations

As the world shifts into a 4th Dimensional Consciousness, we are starting to realize that the old paradigms must be done away with.

4th Dimension is rooted in the understanding that we are Divine Beings, made in the image of Perfect Love. Which also means we are incredibly powerful and one with God and everyone, since all of us are spirits made up of positive energy.

The old paradigms of being a sinful human who is separate from God and everyone, also results in us believing we are: weak, helpless, angry, fearful and flawed. This mindset continually perpetuates the division we are experiencing in our hearts and minds, and then we project it into the world!

Not only is it time to shift our paradigms with the truth of what we Truly are, but we must teach them to the next generation in order to free, empower, and prepare them for 4th Dimension.

Our children are not going to learn this in school, church, on t.v. or amongst their peers. It’s only going to come from those who have gone through the Dark Night of The Soul, dissolved their ego and emerged as their True Powerful Self.

What Does This Look Like ?

I am currently homeschooling my 5 year old grandson two days a week. Initially it was to help my daughter out, as she also has a 2 year old, and another one on the way!

It’s occurred to me that I have been given a window of opportunity to prepare this Divine Being of the Alpha Generation, for the 4th and 5th Dimension.

So we start each homeschool session with a review of the characteristics of his True Identity, which is: Love, Joy, Peace, Gentle, Good, Kind, Powerful, Peaceful, Helpful etc.

I also teach him about his two part Egotistical Programmed Mind, the Fearful Victim and Angry Protector, that causes him to feel: fear, guilt, shame, regret, anger, un-forgiveness, bitterness, resentment, etc. No longer will he believe that it’s him that is having these negative thoughts and feelings, but rather it’s his ego.

He’s also being taught that the only thing that heals the egotistical mind is to speak truth to those thoughts and feelings. He will not spend his life trying to ignore, repress, numb or cope with egotistical feelings. He’ll be aware of them and dissolve them with inner healing or what I call Heart Surgery.

Root Cause of Suffering

After helping people for decades, I’ve come to know and understand that all suffering is rooted in having our identity hi-jacked by 3rd Dimensional Beings. They’ve taught us a False Identity, and then we in turn, teach what we’ve been taught to the next generation, and the beat goes, on and on.

I know in my Being that the Alpha Generation is the generation that completely does away with the old paradigms, because they go completely in opposition to what they Truly are, and they know this because their whole life they were taught that they are Supernatural Beings, and this has been their experience.

They no longer need to walk by faith, they live by knowing what they Truly are, and they know Perfect Love (God) that they are made in the image of. (Jeremiah 31:34)

Guiding people out of the darkness of their egotistical mind and into the light of what they are as a Divine Being!

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