How Do We Know Our Purpose?

We’ve all had very painful, maybe even traumatic experiences! These experiences create within us, feelings in which we abhor that hurtful thing, be it: lying, deceit, abuse, being taken advantage of, or simply being misguided.

These feelings ignite within us a passion to help others be; protected, freed, informed, shielded, etc. from the thing that hurt us.

When we align our career with our passion, we can use our supernatural gifts, abilities, and talents as a way to help humanity and in return, we experience fulfillment, peace, joy and abundance.

My husband is a very honest, reliable plumber of almost 40 years! He does excellent work at a reasonable price. His painful experience was seeing people he deeply loved, being taken advantage of. Therefore he has a passion within him, to save others from being taken advantage of. Having a plumbing business, he’s able to use his gifts, talents and abilities, to protect people from possibly being swindled. As a result, he has a very successful plumbing business in which he’s never had to advertise.

My painful experience was having my father commit suicide when I was 2 years old, and then having a very turbulent relationship with my step day. This caused me to believe my ego that; “I’m unloveable!” Therefore I set out on a journey to find love and my true identity. Which caused me to be used, abused, deceived and lied to about who I am.

This created a passion in me for people to know what they truly are and to be aware of their egotistical mind, so it doesn’t destroy their life. Having my business; RFWellness, I can use my gifts, talents and supernatural abilities to be an Identity Theft Restorer and set people free. In fact nothing brings me greater joy than to see my clients living as their true self, free from their ego.

When helping people know their purpose/passion/mission, I start with the painful experiences they’ve had, and the passion it’s created within them to protect others from that pain. Then we discuss their gifts, talents and abilities to accomplish that and align their career with this purpose.

Gypsy Spirit

Teaching people what they are and their purpose in life in order to free and empower them!

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