Pain or Peace? You Choose!

I’ve come to realize that in moments of great stress and anxiety, it’s really hard for most people to pause-breathe and process what they are feeling, so that they can respond from their True Self (spirit), rather than react from their False Self (ego)!

If I can just help people to be aware of the thoughts, feelings and desires that arise, before they react to them, then they can make a choice; pain or peace?

The pain comes from our egotistical mind when we give into temptations to get on social media and see what our ex is up to.

The pain comes from entertaining egotistical desires to consume something, that we know will hinder our goal of getting fit and healthy.

The pain comes from allowing egotistical movies, of a dreadful future to play out in our mind.

The pain comes when we allow egotistical thoughts of past experiences to play in our mind, that are wrapped up in; shame, guilt and regret.

The pain comes when we give into egotistical hurt feelings and desire to fight.

When we can recognize the ego’s thoughts, feelings and desires and then simply say; “I choose peace” and let the ego thought’s go, without giving into it, we’ve won the battle and gained strength for the next go around.

As we become very aware of the two voices in our mind, and can clearly distinguish between them, the ego no longer has power.

I’ve been noticing for myself, that the egotistical mind has become like a child to me and I treat it as such. After eating my healthy salmon and veggies for lunch yesterday, the ego said; “something sweet sounds good!” I said, “yes it does, eat some fruit, you’re not having chocolate,” and the desire went away.

This morning while out power walking, the thought came; “I just want to walk to that corner!” I said; “That’s nice, but you’re going to walk up the hill anyway,” and the desire to compromise went away.

Your power is found in awareness and self control. Self control can be very difficult if you don’t have goals, or if you haven’t set an intention to structure your life, to be in alignment with your True Self.

So set an intention as to how your True Self manages; Relationships, Health, Finances, Job, School, Home etc. Then when the ego’s thoughts, feelings and desires arise, you can make a the choice for peace and say with confidence and authority; “no we are doing this instead!”

Gypsy Spirit

Guiding people out of the darkness of their egotistical mind and into the light of what they truly are.

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