
Charging up the credit card, spending what I wanted, refusing to live on a budget, because I didn’t care about the consequences.

Over indulging in junk food, chocolate or alcohol, because I didn’t care about the consequences.

Sneaking, hiding and cheating on my husband, because I didn’t are about the consequences.

Being lazy, not doing the things I knew that needed to get done, because I didn’t care about the consequences.

This was a large majority of the first part of my life. What did I care about? It was instant gratification and moments of contentment and temporary happiness.

Before we experience financial freedom and abundance, we have to care.

Before we get fit and healthy, we have to care.

Before we are faithful and trust worthy, we have to care.

Before we are productive, we have to care.

Why don’t we care? It’s a 3 letter word with huge consequences and that is the EGO!

The first step to healing, peace and freedom, is to know what you Truly are as a Powerful Spiritual Being (Christ Awareness) and what is veiling your True identity, so you can be aware of it, it’s tendencies, and then do something about it, or rather do the opposite of it.

During my awakening to the ego process and even today, when I’m not fully at peace, I’m often woken up by the Divine at 2:22am to do Heart Surgery. The question I am always asked during this sacred time is; “Are you at peace?” or “What are you not at peace with?” Then I make a list of things I’m not completely at peace with and figure out why. The answer is that I’m not fully committed, I don’t fully care, therefore I can recognize the ego at work and start caring enough to do something about it.

This question shines light on the ego. The ego is that desire for instant gratification! Therefore we go into “mindless mode” (where we don’t think about consequences) and we become a hostage to our ego, doing whatever desire it gives us. Without stopping to ask, how will this make me feel in my mind-body-spirit? The results, or rather consequences are; guilt, shame and regret.

No matter who I’m working with, I know that in order for them to dismantle their ego and awaken to what they are, and experience freedom from suffering, along with experiencing an abundant life, they will first and foremost need to care enough to live in awareness of their thoughts-feeling-emotion-desires and make changes.

It’s always hard at first, because we have wired our minds to mindlessly react to an ego desire, instead of pausing, resisting and making a better choice, which won’t include instant gratification. Therefore the “freedom process” is uncomfortable and often painful, as the ego tries to convince us that we are missing out. To that I ask the ego; “What am I missing out on: Debt, Diseases, Heart Break, Guilt, Shame, Regrets?”

When our focus is on what we are as beings that are; Faithful, Trust Worthy, Diligent, Intentional, Healthy/Fit, Productive, Empowered and Free, the results are phenomenal. We actualize our hopes and dreams!





Gypsy Spirit

Teaching people what they are and their purpose in life in order to free and empower them!

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