If Only I Knew…

Many of us carry regrets from our past, wishing we knew something that would have prevented us from suffering. We buy into this belief that to avoid suffering, is the key to happiness. When in truth; the past that we regret so much, is where our purpose/passion was created. All purpose/passion comes from a desire to limit the same suffering for others that we experienced. This is to extend what we are as love/light.

Just this morning I was over come with this thought, that “Had I known my true identity as an Infinite Being made in the likeness and image of God, fully loved, whole and powerful, rather than believing I’m this body, it would have saved me from a great deal of suffering and seeking!”

Then I heard the Divine say that; “Everything is perfect! My past gave me my passion/purpose/desire to teach identity. Had I known my true identity, I would have taken it for granted.”

This year I had two outer body experiences, proving to me that I am not a body. But the second one, is where I found myself with the Trinity or as I like to call them; “The Divine Committee,” because we are one with them. This experience caused me to realize that; our salvation-freedom and healing from all suffering, comes from awakening to the oneness with the Divine Committee. This is why Jesus said; “On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me and I in you!” He also said;”You are to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” When we know our oneness and wholeness in Christ/Divine Committee, we are able to love everyone unconditionally. However, until we know our true identity, we will believe we are all just bodies and it will be impossible to see our perfection and wholeness. We’ll keep living as a judgmental ego, making it impossible to be our true self.

When we have a thought that “I wish I knew…and I regret my past!” We need to know that thought is coming from the egotistical mind, that is veiling our gratitude for a past, that created our passion/purpose. Instead, whatever we “wish we would have known,” is the very thing we should be teaching humanity, in order to help them awaken to their true self of love/light/power. This is where peace, joy and happiness are.

2 Parts

I hear people say all the time; “a part of me thinks this…!” Which is really quite remarkable that it’s built into our sub-conscious mind, to know that we have different parts to us. Therefore I always ask; “which part of you?” This simple question draws a person’s attention to what they just said and causes them to do a little exploration as to what part of them is having that thought.

As Jesus says in A Course In Miracles; “At all times we are either being a host to God (Divine Committee) or a hostage to the ego!” If we simply pay attention to; what we are thinking, and which part of us is having that thought and then ask; “why we are having that thought,” we will begin to discover our freedom from the egotistical mind, in which our true self will emerge.


The ego wishes things would be different and the spirit embraces with gratitude, all life experiences, that produced this passion/purpose within us.

For the ego to say; “I wish I would have known…” is to recognize what your passion/purpose is!

Once you awaken to your passion/purpose and set an intention to pour that out to humanity, your life will take on new meaning and direction.

Gypsy Spirit (aka Rhonda Ferguson)

Teaching people what they are and their purpose in life, in order to free and empower them.

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