How Do We Know Our Purpose?

We’ve all had very painful, maybe even traumatic experiences! These experiences create within us, feelings in which we abhor that hurtful thing, be it: lying, deceit, abuse, being taken advantage of, or simply being misguided. These feelings ignite within us a passion to help others be; protected, freed, informed, shielded, etc. from the thing that … More How Do We Know Our Purpose?


Charging up the credit card, spending what I wanted, refusing to live on a budget, because I didn’t care about the consequences. Over indulging in junk food, chocolate or alcohol, because I didn’t care about the consequences. Sneaking, hiding and cheating on my husband, because I didn’t are about the consequences. Being lazy, not doing … More C.A.R.E.

If Only I Knew…

Many of us carry regrets from our past, wishing we knew something that would have prevented us from suffering. We buy into this belief that to avoid suffering, is the key to happiness. When in truth; the past that we regret so much, is where our purpose/passion was created. All purpose/passion comes from a desire … More If Only I Knew…