Dying and The Hero’s Journey

I had the privilege several years ago to work in a Board and Care in my neighborhood. It was a beautiful ranch style home that was turned into a full care retirement facility.

Our days were filled with graciously taking care of 6 elderly ladies with dementia, and as a result we fell in love with them, feeling as though they were our family.

Needless to say, I was with many of these Beings as they transitioned out of their bodies and into eternity, and all of these death experiences were filled with a precious peace and beauty.

I’m so thankful that I was able to speak with many of these ladies as they were drifting in and out of consciousness during their process of dying. They gave me a glimpse into eternity as they spoke of seeing similar things such; golden stairs, angels, and love ones.

Those death experiences, my own out of body experiences, along with my 7 year Spiritual Awakening Journey, has resulted in my knowing that we are not bodies, we are eternal Beings playing the role of humans in a collective dream.

All of this has been quite helpful in being with family members who have since passed away! Instead of being sad and fearful, I’ve experienced feelings of gratitude flood my body!

This gratitude was the result of remembering that this Divine Being in front of me, had agreed to play a part in my human experience, and take on the role in this dream as a family member and/or friend for my awakening, as I did for them.

This knowing of the purpose for our incarnation, frees them to drop the role for instance; as my father and just be their true Divine Self of light and love!

New Perspective

When all of this is realized our perspective about death and dying, is now that of; a fellow Being simply taking off their costume and returning home into Source (God-Christ Consciousness!)

Which can feel tremendously freeing from the alternative of; believing we are a body, that fears death, and the after life, causing us to view death as a very serious thing. This is why we tend to fight to keep people alive or (keep Divine Beings in their earth suit!)

As Ram Dass says; “Death is safe, it’s nothing to fear, in fact it’s like taking off a tight shoe!”

This Journey Called Life

Along with this new perspective about death, awakening reveals a deep knowing about this Hero’s Journey called life.

Until we go on the Hero’s Journey of Inner Healing, and dissolve the egotistical programmed mind, we will tend to be attached and cling to being a human, along with investing our peace, joy and happiness in other humans, which will cause us pain and suffering.

Many don’t know that we (Divine Beings) elected to come to earth school, which means leaving the knowing of our oneness with the Divine behind, and instead put on this human space suit and embrace the belief that we are separate from God and everyone.

Then we spend the first half of this life trying to be a special somebody which is on one hand, a victim and at the same time superior to others.

We embrace specialness because we believe this is what will make us happy. When in truth happiness only comes in knowing what we truly are, and aligning our life with that.

Earth school is a tremendous opportunity to heal Karmic blockages that we have brought with us, so we can transition into Higher Dimensions of Consciousness.

Therefore every human experience especially those of pain, suffering and triggers of our ego programming, is not only to be embraced it is to be utilized as a special gift to shine light on all that needs healing.

Becoming No-Body

Our ultimate freedom is found in becoming no-body.

Although our Awakening Journey’s are highly individualized, I do recognize a sort of similar process:

  1. We fully believe we are a human, with tormenting thoughts and beliefs, of being a victim of others, while also being superior to others, keeping us in a state of fear, anger and judgment.
  2. When we are tired of pain and suffering, we begin to question our thoughts and beliefs, and become the observer of our body-mind.
  3. Now we shift into the process of going within and healing the mind with the truth we receive from the Divine-Source-Higher Self, or whatever we want to call it.
  4. As the ego’s programs dissolve with truth, we begin to awaken to our True Self and experience peace and power. Now we are slowly letting go of identifying with this human form.
  5. Instead of feeling separate from the Divine and everyone, now the separation is from our body/mind, and can even shift out of our body in our mind, not only during meditation but at anytime.
  6. The shift from believing we are a Spiritual Being is solidified as we rest in knowing we are the essence of the Divine, along with knowing our oneness with everything. We naturally shift from being the observer of form to just being I Am.
  7. Now we are free to fully play the human roles, while also being unattached to them. This is what Jesus meant when he said; “Be in the world, but not of it!”

I know this awakening process is not easy and takes a great deal of intention and tenacity.

The Hero’s journey is filled with a great deal of ups and downs, along with going in and out of consciousness.

Be patient with yourself, and celebrate your accomplishments of coming back to your True Self and not losing yourself in your ego.

As for death, I hope this email gave you a new perspective of dying and to know that it’s really nothing to fear. It will simply feel like waking up.

Gypsy Spirit

Guiding people out of the darkness of the darkness of the ego mind and into the light of the Divine.

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